Could your recurring colds and flus be due to low iron?
Iron helps produce white blood cells, the body’s front-line defenders against infections. Low iron means fewer soldiers in your army, making it harder to fend off colds and flu.
Could low iron be causing my low mood?
Ever feel like you’re running on empty, dragging through the day with zero motivation? It’s easy to think it’s just the usual stress or not enough sleep. But what if there’s an unexpected reason behind your low energy and mood? Low iron levels might be the hidden culprit…
How to assess your nutrient status
Assessing Your Nutrient Status:
To determine if you have any nutrient deficiencies, there are a couple of tools at our disposal:
Why is it so tricky to get enough iron in the diet nowadays?
Iron is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen throughout the body, supporting energy levels, and maintaining overall health. However, many people today struggle to get enough iron in their diet….
How to include more fermented foods across your week?
Kefir: You can buy pre-made kefir from your nearest whole food store, or you could also buy the kefir grains to make it yourself!
Rest and Digest
The vagus nerve, is the longest cranial nerve in your body, and connects your brain to various organs, including your gut. It is a significant component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps regulate digestion, immune response, and inflammation.
Top 5 Immune Boosters as a Nutritionist
What are my top 5 heavy hitters when it comes to supporting and strengthening your immune system for the Winter?
Here they are in no particular order:
Have you considered a lighter day of eating at this time of year?
It's a simple yet effective strategy to balance out those occasional splurges and keep your well-being on track.
My top 5 tips for festive functions
Navigating a festive function with share plates … oh my!
How can you possibly keep track of what you are eating in a share plate situation?
Could a protein-rich afternoon snack be a game-changer for you?
Including that protein-rich snack can alleviate the fact that you may not have had enough for lunch … or better-still, help to avoid those after dinner munchies that can set in if the rest of your day hasn’t been great.
Sleep hygiene starts in the morning
Did you know that a good night’s sleep starts with what you do during the day? In fact, from the moment you wake up, you’re affecting your sleep that night
Blood glucose control: the daily rollercoaster ride
Are you familiar with the feeling of riding a rollercoaster every day?
Burnout is real: maybe its not about your nutrition at all
Our emotions, thoughts, and stress levels can influence our physical health, sometimes in unexpected ways