Head hunger versus tummy hunger

Can you tell the difference?

Tummy hunger is when our body is signalling us to eat because we need more energy. Head hunger aka emotional hunger, is when our body sends us a signal to eat when we're feeling stressed or needing comfort. So how do we tell when we genuinely need to eat, and when we're using our food as a comfort?

Well, true hunger is often accompanied by some signs, including:

  • Tummy growling

  • Stomach pangs

  • Ignoring it may lead to feeling low in energy, or experiencing brain fog

  • You're experiencing hunger around your normal scheduled mealtimes

So when may it just be emotional hunger? Key cues include:

  • Eating while watching TV out of habit just because it's what you normally do, and you often don't realise you've finished the whole packet

  • Eating when you're already feeling full because you're feeling guilty leaving something on a plate

  • You're craving sweet or salty foods when you have a low mood

  • You're procrastinating on a task

If you're finding you're accidentally over-eating when you're emotionally hungry, or maybe you're getting hungry more often because you're missing nutrients in your diet, you're not alone.

Thankfully, working with a clinical nutritionist can help to find strategies that are a good fit for you as an individual.


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