6 reasons you might not be losing weight

For some people, losing weight can be more than just calories in and calories out. For some, you may think you are making healthy choices but they are not the correct choices for you. Weight loss is influenced by many different factors. Some of the common reasons why you may be struggling to lose weight that I see in my clinic are:

  1. You are chronically stressed 
    Cortisol, our stress hormone, is responsible for our fight or flight response and is elevated in response to stress. When constantly triggered, it signals our body to hold onto our fat stores, especially in the abdominal area.

  2. Your thyroid isn't functioning properly
    Thyroid hormones are responsible for setting our basal metabolic rate, our energy burning capacity. Your thyroid can be under-functioning years before it is actually detected and is often an underlying issue in those who struggle to lose weight. 

  3. You've been dieting too long and your body needs a break
    Long term low calorie diets and restrictive diets can damage your metabolism and make it harder for you to lose weight in the long run.

  4. You have a desk job and need more steps
    The more active you are throughout the day, the more energy you burn. Sedentary jobs can make it more difficult to lose weight.

  5. You are over snacking at night
    Those who tend to snack later at night and after dinner usually eat more calories overall . Snacking at night usually is on higher calorie foods such as chocolate and ice cream which also may cause you to overspend on your daily caloric budget. 

  6. You are eating healthy foods but still not in a deficit
    Your diet should always prioritise whole foods, however, if you are choosing healthy options and still not losing weight, you may not be in a calorie deficit. Although seemingly healthy, overloading on avocado toast or consuming tablespoons of olive oil per day may be contributing to a calorie excess.


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